Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oooh to have internet

This new shop location has been mostly a storage unit for about 8 months.  I havent been able to do much work there, other than set it up, and sort through the stuff.
Directly after we move our household to its new location, I will get hooked to the internet at the shop and the ball will FINALLY be rolling.
I can hardly wait to spend more time on my newest "shop" endeavor!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Move

From the country to downtown...
It will take more than this, to hold me down

Fifteen years of things to sift..
What will I take, for my new drift

Ive sorted closets up till today
Half to the dumpster, on the way...

The place is a wreck, everything a mess
I am moving to a new place, with a whole lot less..