Thursday, August 15, 2013

You think you've heard every Lynyrd Skynyrd song...

It took me 30 years to know about this song...

Lynyrd Skynyrd "I need you"


I cant save you 15 minutes.  
You will need 3 hours ; )

Please Please Please dont let me... Please Please Please dont let me.... Please Please please dont let me down

Cant get this song out of my head today..
I am determined to make a difference on this beautiful Thursday morning.  
I hope you are too. ; )

Every home bar should have this. Pick your drink and snack at the same time. Cheeers!

2 in 1 International Drink Recipe Collection
$19.99 plus Shipping

What a neat item for any bar. 
Each card has that cool funky ‘70’s artwork of the drink and hors d’oeuvre on front. 
The drink recipe is also listed on front, with the snack listed on back.
Make a great house warming or anniversary gift to anyone young or old.  

Vintage 1977
“The 2 in 1 International Recipe Card Collection”
Starts with After Dinner, Aperitifs?.…..
 Beer & Ale, Blends & Rye...
Keeps on going all the way to Specialty Drinks, Vodka, and Wine.
The cards are all in excellent condition and the Specialty Of The House Recipe Cards are unused.  The case is in ok condition. There are no cracks or deep scratches in the plastic.  Cards show slight use, just from being enjoyed by someone else.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Alrighty, back to the fold.  
Look for cool things under 
Vintage Findings.
  (blue tabs above)

The storefront has been closed, the merchandise sorted and packed and now what to do with it...  
Now, its time to highlight my favorites and determine interest.  Most of these items were for sale, so if you like something you see here, let me know.  

Thanks for the visit and come back frequently to see what is dug out of packing, or materialized out of my wee brain.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oooh to have internet

This new shop location has been mostly a storage unit for about 8 months.  I havent been able to do much work there, other than set it up, and sort through the stuff.
Directly after we move our household to its new location, I will get hooked to the internet at the shop and the ball will FINALLY be rolling.
I can hardly wait to spend more time on my newest "shop" endeavor!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Move

From the country to downtown...
It will take more than this, to hold me down

Fifteen years of things to sift..
What will I take, for my new drift

Ive sorted closets up till today
Half to the dumpster, on the way...

The place is a wreck, everything a mess
I am moving to a new place, with a whole lot less..